
Kanarada Bir Çift Balık/ A Couple of Fish in the Slaughterhouse (2013)

  • Directed by Vahit Saritas
  • Nesligul Satir & Vahit Saritas: Editor- Director& Scriptwriter
  • Category: Kanarada Bir Cift Balik/ A Couple of Fish in the Slaughtehouse 00:04:59

Adam ve kadın izole bir hayat yaşasalar da dünyada olup bitenleri görmezden gelemezler; hayatlarına sızmıştır; müdahale edemezler. Hayatları bunun üzerine şekil alır, kendi gerçeklikleri olur.

The man and the woman have an isolated life. In spite of this, they cannot ignore the things in the outside world. It has already leaked into their lives. They cannot prevent it, even their lives are being shaped by it and it becomes their own reality.


Hamburg, 3. AHOI Film Festival,Finalist, 2013
4. ODTÜ Film Festivali (OFF ’13-½), Kısa Kestik III,Screening 2013
1. SETEM Akademi BAK Ödülleri, Kurmaca Dalı, Ön Eleme Finalist. 2013